
The Tarot Underground

by Cassandra the Card Reader

The Tarot Establishment wants you to use their definitions. Ditch the definitions. Download the Tarot Freedom of Information Act and learn how to read Tarot via your intuitive connection. Underground members get powerful Tarot lessons and access to the Speakeasy.

👀What does a Tarot practice look like?👀

Hi there Tarot Friends, Are you a fair-weather friend to Tarot? If you are serious about wanting to learn Tarot , then don't be a fair-weather friend. Do you run to your Tarot deck only when you have a burning question or need an answer to a problem? We all do it, so no shame there. Do the answers you get at those times often leave you scratching your head, or worse yet, a little scared? Why is that? The difference between those who can depend on Tarot for guidance during their hours of need...

Seeing the world through a Tarot lens👀

Hi there Tarot Friends, Could be a Tarot card I caught this scene at a local winery on Mother's day. If this scene was a Tarot card, what card would it be? Click to vote below👇 Page of cupsQueen of cups6 of cupsTemperanceThe Sun Don't by shy! There are no "correct" answers. Let's break it down Cups card options - since the children are exuberantly playing in the water, a cups card is an obvious (but not the only) choice. Page - often associated with younger people Queen - the child in the...

Grab a pen and meet me back here✒️

Hi There Tarot Friends, Photo by Nic Y-C on Unsplash Alright, so the moon is waxing. Time to shake off the eclipses and mercury retrograde and get moving. Not toooo fast though. After all it is Taurus season until May 20th. Tues through Friday of this week are great times to plant seeds or transplant with the moon in Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.🌱 Want to bring the magic of Tarot into your day to day life? See the Planning with Tarot worksheet for May below. What would you like to see in...

The Tarot of Future Selves plus time for another spell 🪄

Hi There Tarot Friends, So I'm a little stunned that it is now May. What happened to April? I mean really! I feel like Rip Van Winkle! King of Cups New Era Elements Tarot read my review on the website Here are some astro dates for this week: 🌗We are still under a waning moon until May 7. Keep cleaning out those closets or performing any energetic clearing you need to do. I bought a windchime for the front porch to clear the stagnant energy around it. ♀ Venus is now in her home sign of Taurus...

Map your journey with 4 cards 🚩

Hi There Tarot Friends, Wow! 1/3 of the year has passed and I feel like this is the first time I've had any time to pause and reflect. Since January 1, this year has been go, go, go for me. When you receive this, we will be coming off the Full Moon in Scorpio. This Full Moon is NOT an eclipse and closes out eclipse season for us. Mercury goes direct on Thursday. What shake ups have you been experiencing since Mid March? Mapping the Journey Spread Since I'm in the reflective zone, I decide to...

Counterfeit decks and coping with retrogrades↩️

Hi There Tarot Friends, The Beautiful Rebellion Tarot For today's newsletter, I intended to write a review of the Beautiful Rebellion Tarot deck. turned out that I bought a counterfeit deck on Amazon. So you can read about my experience buying a counterfeit deck and get some tips on how to avoid it over on the website. I'm chalking it all up to Mercury retrograde. Mercury is retrograde until April 25th. Is Mercury Retrograde All Hype? I am one of those people that Mercury retrograde...

Is Tarot the antidote to figuring it all out? 🗝️🗝️

Hi There Tarot Friends, Tarot is the antidote you seek Figuring it all out is a common trap that people are lulled into. The first mistake is thinking that it is possible to figure it all out. Some things we will never get to the bottom of, like what the exact conspiracy was to kill JFK, why they did it, and who all the players were. Life itself presents many mysteries, such as why are we here and what happens when we die. We can never know the actual answers to these questions. But pondering...

I wish I started planning with Tarot earlier 📆

Hi there Tarot Friends, first pink salvia of the year Are you someone who remembers dates? If I asked you what happened last year in March, would you know? If I asked when you met your best friend can you give me a year? How did you fair in history class? Well, dear Tarot friends, I am NOT one of those people who remembers dates. But I did find something that helped. Between learning astrology and Tarot journaling, I am starting to remember dates much, much better. Astrology and Tarot have...

So how do you "do" a Tarot reading?🗝️

Hello Tarot Friends, At Last! How to Do a Tarot Reading Having trouble putting it all together and actually doing a Tarot reading? I've got an article and worksheet for you over on the website. It's Eclipse Season 🌚 crazy eclipse shadows It's here, it's eclipse season! Monday was the lunar eclipse in Libra. April 8 is the solar eclipse in Aries, for which the shadow will pass right over me here in San Antonio! I experienced the eclipse last October and that was gob-smacking. This one in April...

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], let me gift you a Tarot book 🎁

Hi There Tarot Friends, Looking for Beta Readers The moment has arrived. Tarot in the Moment, my flagship book on learning Tarot is finished! If you would like to provide feedback in exchange for a free copy of the book, click here. Julia and Angela, I've got you down already. 😉 The book is approximately 160 pages and is in e-book format at the moment. You don't need to read the whole book cover to cover. I'll have some questions prepared for you to help guide you. It will be absolutely okay...

🌻A Tarot spell to grow practically anything! [2 min read]

Hi there Tarot friends, The Spring here in San Antonio has been the most mild and gorgeous spring we have had in the last several years. The weather has been behaving, not to hot, not to cold. We could use a touch more rain, but nevertheless everything is green and blooming! We had a reset with the Pisces New Moon on Sunday, the 10th. And today Venus enters Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. Exaltation is just a fancy way of saying Venus is in her place of honor and glory. Venus will be in...
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