Map your journey with 4 cards 🚩

Published 15 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read


Hi There Tarot Friends,

Wow! 1/3 of the year has passed and I feel like this is the first time I've had any time to pause and reflect. Since January 1, this year has been go, go, go for me.

When you receive this, we will be coming off the Full Moon in Scorpio. This Full Moon is NOT an eclipse and closes out eclipse season for us. Mercury goes direct on Thursday.

What shake ups have you been experiencing since Mid March?

Since I'm in the reflective zone, I decide to pull a few cards about where I've been and where I'm going. Feel free to follow along with your own cards.

  1. I deliberately chose the first and last cards.
  2. Then I shuffled the deck and pulled at random 3 cards to reflect the stages of my journey.

Card 1: 10 of swords - just to prove that every card has a positive and negative polarity, I chose the 10 of swords to represent the end of my writing project. I have finished Tarot in the Moment, and it is up for sale.

Card 4: 6 of pentacles - Of course I'd like to receive money for the book, and I'd like it to be a fair exchange. The 6 of pentacles represents that fair exchange. Why didn't I go for the 9 of pentacles or the 10? I could have, but I'm one of those people that doesn't like to overstep my bounds and ask for too much. πŸ˜‰

The Path to the Destination:

Queen of Wands - I intuitively knew a wand card would show up. I think this is reminding me that step 1 is to get my creative juices flowing again. Make some art, get inspired.

An interesting synchronicity is that a black cat showed up in my back yard the other day. My back yard is walled all the way around with high walls, so it's not easy to gain access, except by a cat! Anyway, I fed the cat some salmon and he or she hasn't returned. Interesting.

8 of swords - Ah the thinking outside the box card. I'm taking this as a sign to stay on my own path and don't try to follow the standard advice.

10 of cups - Nice draw! This card represents how I felt yesterday. I felt optimistic for no reason in particular. The weather was beautiful. I went to the plant nursery and bought a couple plants and planted them. This card reminds me of the "life is good" stickers you sometimes see on off road vehicles. Oh - there it is again - another prod to take it off the standard path.

I pulled one final card - What if? - The Hierophant

This is my soul card.

What I got from this is what if I fully embraced being a teacher? Obviously I teach all the time in this newsletter. But what would it mean to fully embrace being a teacher?

I'll have to journal on that a bit.

Tarot History and Development

video preview​

I have spoken about Tarot History here and there and do have a video on it. However, I like this one a lot better! This video takes you from the first appearances of Tarot all the way up to the modern day. It covers the big deal with the Golden Dawn (another topic I bring up from time to time) and connections to modern psychology.

Be sure to watch to the very end for tips on how to make your own connections with the cards.

See you next week when Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Aries.



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-Cassandra the Card Reader


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