This mindset shift will GROW your Tarot skills immensely 🌱

Hi there Tarot Friends,

I feel like I've awoken from a slumber of sorts.

Things got murky during the Mercury retrograde and Saturn has been opposing my natal planets of creativity, luck, expansion and attraction (Venus and Jupiter in Virgo) making for a bit of a narrow and hidden passageway.

If only I could find the passageway!

The way forward was not clear.🗽

The mission of Tarot Underground is to teach you how to trust yourself and finally develop the skills to become the Tarot reader that I know you can be.

And be the reader the world needs too!

But what to do next????

Our Tarot Underground Journey in 2024

In January, I ran the Enchanted 2024 Tarot Challenge. In the Challenge, we used the Daily Draw to build our intuitive muscles.

Then, I published Tarot in the Moment, a book encompassing a complete approach to learning Tarot from "definitions" to spreads and how to do a reading.

Now the stream has taken me back to my favorite medium, classes.

Finally! A way forward! Sort of. 😶‍🌫️

So before I go off chasing my tail, I have a few questions for you.

I am planning to create a course on what YOU most want to know/learn about Tarot and I need your help. The class I create will be FREE for the first go round and evolve into a paid class as I hone the content and presentation.

I'd love your input! I need your input! Please fill out the survey here.

Are you cramming for the Tarot test?

You’ve been misled about how to learn Tarot.

It’s no one’s fault, (and we could make up some fun conspiracy theories if we wanted to).

Here’s how we got here.

I’m guessing that someone sat back in their arm chair one day, Tarot cards in hand, and thought:

“Tarot is like a mystical language.”

“Part of learning a language is learning vocabulary.”

“Therefore, new Tarot students could use a dictionary to learn individual card meanings.”

It makes sense, right?

And in our digital age it’s oh so easy to publish (and copy) sets of definitions online.

Problem solved.

Well, my guess is you’ve probably tried this approach. And it was hit or miss at best. And you still have trouble putting the cards together and doing a reading.

I experienced the same struggles myself as I taught myself Tarot from reading books back in the 80’s.

Maybe you think if you could memorize MORE keywords or somehow get a better handle on the each card’s meaning, then you’d finally be able to read the Tarot with confidence.

Or maybe you are very new to Tarot and it seems daunting. How do you even begin to sort out the cards: knight, page, Magician, 3 of cups…WTF?

You get more and more confused and think maybe Tarot isn’t for you.

No wonder so many people give up in frustration.

You are being sold an incomplete and faulty model of the Tarot!

Tarot is indeed a language, but one card exists on different levels and in different contexts, making a list of definitions or keywords not very useful.

Paradigm of Tarot: While sets of Tarot card definitions can be somewhat fitting, they aren’t very useful.

Teaching to the Test vs Teaching Useful Skills

Most online sources and courses are teaching to the test of Tarot.

The thought being that if you know the 5 of cups is disappointment, you can apply that in an infinite set of circumstances, questions, people and spread placements.

Continuing on with that thought, if the card definition doesn’t fit, then there must be another one that you must seek out and learn in order to know what the significance of the card is. Or you’re just stuck.

I want to teach you a set of skills that you can apply right away and grow with on your Tarot journey.

The Tarot skills I will teach you allow you to connect to the cards on many different levels and come up with the significance of the card based on the unique set of circumstances at the time of the reading.

A solid set of skills around Tarot gives you your own quirky correspondences that will get you farther than any standard definition, with the irony that you will also adopt many of the “agreed upon definitions”.

But in this case, you come to the knowledge through experience and on your own terms, not just because you memorized it.

Paradigm of Tarot: If you are cramming for the test, your knowledge will never be enough. If you learn a solid set of skills, you will be able to perform a Tarot reading quickly and your knowledge will deepen with time.

Okay, okay, so we should put the “definitions” aside for now. So what’s the next step?

I'm saving that for next week! 😉


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-Cassandra the Card Reader


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