Tarot for dreamers [2 minute read]

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi There Tarot Friends,

Spring has sprung here in Texas. The Redbuds are blooming and the Red Oaks have tassels already. We've had a few unseasonably warm days, but all in all the weather has been gorgeous!

Last week I talked about how to build a Tarot practice, and gave some ideas to engage with the cards.

This week I'm going to dive a little deeper into one of the ideas I presented.

Pull a card (or two or three) for a dream you had

Have you ever woken up puzzled by a dream you had during the night?

Write it down quickly, so you don't loose the details. Then, when you get a chance, pull out your trusty Tarot deck.

Some questions you might want to ask around the dream:

  1. What is my dream self trying to illustrate through this dream? Note I used the word "illustrate" and not "tell". Dream imagery can be very important. Dreams sometimes "paint a picture" for us that relates to our waking life. Hold up the Tarot mirror and see if any imagery repeats or presents itself in another way in the cards.
  2. Ask who or what a particular character or image in the dream represents. The great thing about Tarot is that you can cut right to the chase. Ask about what puzzles you the most about the dream. For example: who or what is the character who was attacking me?
  3. If there are particularly strong emotions in the dream, you might ask how can you acknowledge the emotion. A follow up question might be how you can work with the emotion and ask where it's trying to flow.

When you pull cards on your dream, it may leave you as puzzled as ever.

Hop through to the website for an example of how to read Tarot to clarify your dreams. Scroll down a bit to start the interpretation section.

Astro weather highlights

We are now under a waning moon. It's a good time for late winter or early spring pruning if you haven't done so.

Today begins a new Saturn cycle when the Sun conjuncts Saturn at 9° Pisces. And oh, Mercury is there too. Saturn wants our aspirations to stand the test of time. Mercury helps us rearrange the structure .

Whatever you are putting effort into this week, you should be in it for the long haul.

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-Cassandra the Card Reader


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