Stalked by numbers or Tarot cards? πŸ’‘


Hi There Tarot Friends,

In this edition:

  1. Astro Weather
  2. Get early access to classes
  3. What's up with numbers and cards that stalk you?

Well, we have the Full Moon in Aries this week, and next week the Sun enters Scorpio.

With the Full Moon happening mid- month, it's a good time to stop for a moment and see what has come to fruition.

Specifically, you might want to think back to the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8 of this year. What have you grown during this time period? Is there anything ready to harvest?

The Sun is going to continue to slip lower and lower in the sky until Dec 21st, the Winter Solstice.

Halloween takes place under the smallest sliver of the moon before it turns completely dark on the New Moon on Nov 1.

In the garden, it's time to plant bulbs that will emerge in the spring. (Not here, it's still too hot, but that doesn't fit the analogy!)

If you are not planting bulbs, maybe you are fertilizing or making winter preparations. In snowy climates, it's time to put away the patio furniture and get everything out of the yard that you don't want to get buried.

So what I'm saying is everything is going inward and quieting down.

Mars is getting ready to retrograde December 6th, so use this time for any last fitful sprints before the end of the year.

Want early access to Tarot Underground classes?

I'm in the process of creating classes for Tarot Underground members (that's you!) and need your input.

If you're on my beta tester list, you've already gotten an email from me about the Grid Method class.

If you are not on the beta tester list and want to join, just click here.

As a beta tester, you get to help develop Tarot Underground content and get early access to the classes you helped develop. And, knowing me, I'll probably throw in a few free Tarot decks to participants. I love giving away Tarot decks.

Are you being stalked by a number or a Tarot card?

A friend of mine recently made 3 new acquaintances and remarked, "All of their birthdays are on the 12th of the month. What's up with that?"

What is up with that?

Last week we talked about looking at numbers in a sequence, that is A-10.

This week, let's take a look at personal associations with numbers.

STEP 1 --To tease out your personal associations with numbers answer the following in your Tarot journal:

  • do you have a favorite number? Why do you like it?
  • do you have a number you don't like to see? Why?
  • what numbers commonly show up in your phone number, address, customer number etc.?

STEP 2 --Now choose one of the numbers you wrote down in your Tarot Journal.

Pull out all the Tarot cards with that number. For example, if you chose 8 as one of your numbers, pull out the:

  • 8 of wands
  • 8 of cups
  • 8 of swords
  • 8 of pentacles
  • Strength 8 (or Justice if you have a deck with Justice as the 8)
  • for extra credit you can throw in the Star 17 because 1+7 = 8

STEP 3 --Do some brainstorming around the set of cards you have before you. Make a mind map of whatever comes to mind as you look over the cards.

  • are there any themes you can identify?
  • repeating symbols?
  • snippets of stories or memories?
  • images you identify with?

Here's my Tarot Journal entry on the 8's. Hit reply and send in yours. I'd love to share it with everyone.

So what is the deal with the 12's stalking my friend? Maybe he will send in his journal entry and we can find out.

P.S. My suggestion for a number like 12 is to use the Major Arcana cards The Hanged Man 12 and the Empress 3, and the 3's from each suit.

OR use the Hanged Man and the Knights from each suit.

Page =11

Knight = 12

Queen = 13

King = 14

Hope that didn't get too complicated here at the end. Hit reply with your questions, I'm happy to help.



-Cassandra the Card Reader




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