Got Questions? I got answers. Tarot Q&A❓

Hi There Tarot Friends,

The astro weather is we are under a waning moon BETWEEN ECLIPSES.

Have you experienced any shake ups recently? Any twists of fate? If so, we can blame it on the eclipses.

This week we have the Sun newly entered into Libra, and Venus newly entered into Scorpio. I think with this transit, some of the details will go out the window and people will just take action based on strong feelings.

Later this week Mercury trines Uranus (more surprises) and then enters Libra.

For me, personally, it was kind of quiet but the pace has definitely picked up!

I've been invited by friends on outings, which is nice.

Some back burner projects have become front burner projects.

My mom fell and whacked her head.

Never a dull moment in this eclipse cycle.

Does this sound like you?

I lack confidence when it comes to reading Tarot. I worry about giving inaccurate readings. And when I worry, I second guess myself and hold back. Sometimes I even wonder if Tarot is reserved for more "spiritually gifted" people.

My Response

First of all, Tarot is not reserved for "spiritually gifted" people.

Truth be told, I don't like lit when people ask me about my "gift", or call me "gifted".

Tarot is a tool of the intuition, and everyone has intuition. Some people are better skilled and developed than others, but everyone has intuition and can use it.

Personally, I have a separate category of "psychic". These people just know things that are impossible to know. They don't need tools, although they may use them. Examples are children that talk to ghosts or know things about their parents' friends etc.

Back to Tarot and the question at hand, a lack of confidence may stem from lack of experience.

When you lack experience, you are look for outside help to guide you.

While it's good to seek out information and teachers around Tarot, it's important to recognize that Tarot is about inner development. You probably knew that on some level, and that's why you are curious about Tarot.

One trick you can use when you start to feel confused or flustered is say to yourself, "If I knew what this card meant, I would say [fill in the blank].

Stuck in a spread? Send it to me. I'm happy to give some guidance.

I feel disconnected from my Tarot deck. I don't know if it's because I don't use it enough or if it's because I don't understand the symbols.

My Response

It's super important to choose a Tarot deck, or decks, that you resonate or connect with.

Everyone seems to think the the Rider-Waite-Smith is the quintessential Tarot deck.

While the RWS is undoubtedly the most popular and most recognized deck, it's not the be all end all of Tarot decks.

The innovation of the RWS was the pictures on the Ace through 10 cards, and for that we are forever indebted to the creators.

However, those creators from days of yore, are not the sole viewpoint on Tarot. Feel free to browse the literally thousands of Tarot decks out there and find one that speaks to you!

If anyone calls the Tarot Police on you, just tell them I said it was okay.😉

When you find a deck you jive with, the symbols start speaking on their own, and things don't feel so forced.

Making Tarot a habit or at least a somewhat regular occurrence can absolutely help you connect to your deck. Just like anything you are unfamiliar with, it feels clunky at first and gets better with time.

Some suggestions to make Tarot a regular occurrence in you life:

  • do a daily draw
  • pull a card for the month and leave it where you can see it
  • do a spread for the week - good to leave it out
  • do a scavenger hunt - pull a card and make it a game to encounter that card somewhere, somehow during your day
  • have a party and read for your friends
  • pull a card or 2 for someone's birthday and tell them what you feel these cards are saying to them
  • when you meet someone new, assign a court card to them (nobody said you have to be right, just do it)
  • when you bring a business card home, pull a Tarot card to go with it

Until next week,

-Cassandra the Card Reader

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