🎯Consult your inner oracle with this Tarot spread

Hi there Tarot friends,

We had a really hot August here in Texas.

Followed by a nice cool break with temps in the 80's. Unbelievable!

Now it's back to being hot, sticky, humid and near 100° every day.

This weather is a see saw pattern. Back and forth.

Libra season is upon us now, bringing forth the image of the scales. Balance? See Saws? What's in store?

Balance? or pattern breaks?

By the time you read this, the full moon eclipse in Pisces will have already happened.

Eclipses are pattern breaks.

This one perhaps doubly so because it's the first one on the Virgo/Pisces axis.

I think of this axis as "it's all good" Pisces vs. "let's sort this out and get it right" Virgo.

For the last 18 months, the eclipses have been on the Aries/Libra axis. And we still have 2 more in Aries/Libra before the shift completes.

On Sunday, we have the Sun moving into Libra, the idea of idealized balance and stasis.

There are more shifts during next week as well, but I don't want to belabor the point.

The point being the see saw pattern of Libra.

Ideally we'd like it to be in stasis. In balance.

But we know from experience that life doesn't work that way.

Yes, once in a while you have that perfect sunset, the sun balanced on the edge of the horizon before it dips below. The light is perfect, the temperature is perfect, and you are with the perfect person.

But... record scratch...how often does that happen?

Most of the time we are in flux, trying to keep the plates spinning.

Or maybe we are enjoying the highs and lows of the roller coaster, or white knuckling it.

Nevertheless, this week kicks off a 30 day period of Libra energy PLUS a full moon eclipse.

It's about to get interesting.

With that in mind, I created a Tarot spread for Libra Season.

A Tarot Spread for Libra Season

Want to see a couple of example readings using the Libra Season Tarot spread? Click the video below.

video preview

Send in your questions -- I'll create a custom spread just for you!


Want more spreads? I need questions!

I really, really, hate demonstrating spreads with hypothetical questions or situations. In my mind, its' bullshit. I could be talking about anything.

Anyway, you can help me solve that problem by sending in a question or questions you want answered via Tarot.

I'll use your questions to create custom spreads, that way you can see how to create freeform spreads of your own AND get a free reading.

And I don't have to make stuff up and feel like a charlatan.

It's win win.

What about the class you are creating?

Thanks so much for the input around the class I want to create that helps you become the awesome Tarot reader that you want to be.

If you've been following along, here is survey #3. Just 3 questions again.

I'm getting lots of eye opening information here, so keep your responses coming. 👁️

-Cassandra the Card Reader

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