Can you manifest using Tarot and the law of attraction?

Hi there Tarot Friends,

Leo Fest is still perking along, with new goodies being added every week. This week's gift is a free-form spread creator.

Sunday was the Leo New Moon, with Mercury stationing retrograde the same day.

That got me to thinking about how thoughts create reality (the Law of Attraction) and ways to use Tarot to help with the process.

How to ferret out stinking thinking, and clear out head trash so your manifestation efforts work

Whether you use vision boards, creative visualization, or straight up magic, sometimes what you want to manifest just isn't taking form.


Sometimes it's just not time (7 of pentacles).

But more often than timing, what and how you think is putting a damper on manifestation.

This type of negative thinking or subconscious programming that works against our desired outcome is sometimes called stinking thinking.

How to use Tarot to determine if stinking thinking is blocking your manifestation efforts

Shuffle and ask the cards what is blocking the manifestation or desired outcome.

Lay 1 card for the block to your desired outcome -

Or lay1 card for the desired outcome and 1 card for the block.

If the card for the block is:

  • swords - quite possible that stinking thinking and head trash are at play
  • cups - connection to other people is at play or connection to your own emotions needs to be explored
  • pentacles - denying reality is possible here. Or ask yourself how valuable the outcome is that you desire. Maybe it’s not that valuable to you. Timing is at play as well.
  • wands - take a look at the activity around the desired outcome. How much is focused on the outcome as compared to other activities?
  • major arcana - this shows that life lessons and life long patterns are involved. Forewarned is forearmed. Don’t expect immediate results, but when you break through, it will be big!

So you've got stinking thinking, now what?

Let’s look at the particulars of stinking thinking as seen through the swords cards.

Ace of swords

You are on the beginning of your journey. Secrets will be revealed. Get ready to know thyself.

2 of swords

Make up your mind for goodness sake!
Check your desired outcome and look for unspoken cross currents. Look for the yeah buts of doubt and the “exceptions” to your stated desire.

3 of swords

How focused are you on a single outcome? You might suffer from wanting 6 scoops of ice cream on a single cone. Ask yourself what key outcome will drive the rest and focus on that.

4 of swords

This shows that your thinking is in pretty good shape! At worst, maybe you are sticking to what you know, but you should be able to bring it to fruition. Taking a step back to evaluate might be in order.

5 of swords

It’s time to change your mind. Either the desired outcome needs to be revised or how you are approaching it needs to change. Chances are if you don’t change your mind soon, external circumstances will intervene.

6 of swords

This card asks you to take inventory of your thoughts. How many support your desired outcome and how many doubt and criticize it? Overall, you’re headed in the right direction, but try tip the scales in support of what you want.

7 of swords

This card IS the card ruling the law of attraction. Prune the garden of your thoughts. Work on eliminating rumination. Detach yourself from your thoughts. Learn to see that although your thoughts seem to come from you, they do not. This is your opportunity to get it right.

8 of swords

This card gives you the power to break free from limiting beliefs. These beliefs are the chain that held the young elephant in place, but now you see the chain is gone. Write out “I can’t because” and fill in the blanks. This is where you have tremendous power to overcome and break free.

9 of swords

You can’t solve a problem on the same level it was created. You have to let go of what is currently in your hand so you can grab something new. To put it bluntly, it’s time to crap or get off the pot. Sorry for the tough love.

10 of swords

Your success is assured with this card. Stinking thinking is not in your way. If you haven’t achieved your desired outcome, it’s only a matter of time. The way forward will be revealed.


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-Cassandra the Card Reader


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