
The Tarot Underground

The Tarot Establishment wants you to use their definitions. Ditch the definitions. Download the Tarot Freedom of Information Act and learn how to read Tarot via your intuitive connection. Underground members get powerful Tarot lessons and access to the Speakeasy.

Can you manifest using Tarot and the law of attraction?

Hi there Tarot Friends, Leo Fest is still perking along, with new goodies being added every week. This week's gift is a free-form spread creator. Sunday was the Leo New Moon, with Mercury stationing retrograde the same day. That got me to thinking about how thoughts create reality (the Law of Attraction) and ways to use Tarot to help with the process. How to ferret out stinking thinking, and clear out head trash so your manifestation efforts work clear some head trash with the Daily...

How to see a card and let the ideas flowđź‘€

Hi There Tarot Friends, 8 of wands Gaian Tarot If I were to choose a card to represent my life at the moment, I would choose this card, the 8 of wands. This card has the energy of things speeding up and moving fast, but to where? It's a feeling of being on pins and needles. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, my mom had a pretty bad fall. She's recovering, but will there be long term lifestyle changes because of it? If you live in the US, you know the presidential election is right around...

Emptying the cup in October🫗🌱

Hi there Tarot Friends, the draining energy of the south node I was up early and saw the balsamic moon. By the time you read this, the solar eclipse on the south node in Libra will have happened. So much draining energy. You may have been feeling physically or emotionally drained. Or maybe spiritually drained. With Venus is Scorpio, this is a deep drain indeed. balsamic moon Halloween will be on the next balsamic moon. Now that's spooky! The balsamic moon is when the last sliver of light...

Got Questions? I got answers. Tarot Q&Aâť“

Hi There Tarot Friends, The astro weather is we are under a waning moon BETWEEN ECLIPSES. Wheel of Fortune from my free downloadable Tarot deck Have you experienced any shake ups recently? Any twists of fate? If so, we can blame it on the eclipses. This week we have the Sun newly entered into Libra, and Venus newly entered into Scorpio. I think with this transit, some of the details will go out the window and people will just take action based on strong feelings. Later this week Mercury...

🎯Consult your inner oracle with this Tarot spread

Hi there Tarot friends, Justice Card Ostara deck We had a really hot August here in Texas. Followed by a nice cool break with temps in the 80's. Unbelievable! Now it's back to being hot, sticky, humid and near 100° every day. This weather is a see saw pattern. Back and forth. Libra season is upon us now, bringing forth the image of the scales. Balance? See Saws? What's in store? Balance? or pattern breaks? By the time you read this, the full moon eclipse in Pisces will have already happened....

Help! the Tarot Police are here! đźš“ [video]

Hi There Tarot Friends, mystery tree I've got this crazy tree in my backyard. It came up as a seedling in December. Since the backyard is so hot in the summer, I decided to let it grow. Now look at it! It's grown at least 9 feet this year!!! As you can see, the tree is pretty close to the garage wall and roof. I don't want it to send branches into the wall or on the roof. I don't know how big this thing is gonna get and if I will be able to train it to live in my yard. But I can say it's been...

This mindset shift will GROW your Tarot skills immensely 🌱

Hi there Tarot Friends, 6 of swords Pre-Raphaelite Tarot I feel like I've awoken from a slumber of sorts. Things got murky during the Mercury retrograde and Saturn has been opposing my natal planets of creativity, luck, expansion and attraction (Venus and Jupiter in Virgo) making for a bit of a narrow and hidden passageway. If only I could find the passageway! The way forward was not clear.đź—˝ The mission of Tarot Underground is to teach you how to trust yourself and finally develop the skills...

Confused? Pull a clarifying card 🔍

Hi There Tarot Friends, dust devil Wow, what an emotional whirlwind the last couple of weeks. When I worked on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, I remember dust devils spontaneously whipping up in the heat of the afternoon. These mini-tornados would rip through a small area, throwing dust and garbage up into the air. Then, the devil would disappear as fast as it appeared. Sounds like how the month of August has been for me. How about you? This week will be the last dance with the Devil...

Tarot talk for August - feeling a bit adrift⛵

Hi There Tarot Friends, Well, Sunday was my birthday. I turned 56. That's 7 - 8 year Venus cycles Or 28 - 2 year Mars cycles And I'm approaching my 2nd Saturn return in 2027. This year is a 7 year for me - The Chariot. Numbers are everywhere and so are the cycles that time the twists and turns of our lives. With that in mind, I created a set of Tarot number flashcards for you -- the FINAL Leo Fest gift. Enjoy. 7 of cups random image from Pinterest My creative process This is where I'm at with...

Short and sweet -- 1min readđź‘€

Hi there Tarot Friends, Me and my cast iron comal (flat pan for cooking tortillas) I love me a good iron skillet. If you cook with an iron skillet, then you know a new skillet needs to be seasoned. Over time, the seasoned layer of oils builds up, creating a non-stick surface, provided you keep adding oil. A seasoned pan also develops a flavor. It's not an overwhelming flavor causing you to wince and say, "oh fish was cooked in here!". No, it's a subtle, developed flavor that adds to every...